Pilates has become an increasingly popular physical fitness system in recent years, owing to its numerous benefits. However, there are still many misconceptions about Pilates that persist, even among regular practitioners. In this blog post, we will debunk some of the most common Pilates misconceptions and set the record straight.
Misconception #1 Pilates is boring
One of the most common misconceptions about Pilates is that it is boring. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Pilates is a dynamic and engaging form of exercise that requires both physical and mental focus - far from a boring workout.
Debunking: The idea that Pilates is boring may come from a lack of understanding of what Pilates actually entails. Pilates holds some important basic principles that must be learnt before moving on to more advanced movements. Often if previously active people or those looking for a challenging workout may be underwhelmed in an introductory session however, once the basic principles have been mastered it opens a door into a whole wonderful world of movements which will create strength, endurance and a challenge for anyone. Additionally, Pilates classes can be taught in a variety of ways, from beginner sessions, anatomy-informed classes or fun Pilates Tempo workouts. Plus we can use a variety of props during workouts to keep things interesting and challenging for practitioners of all levels.
Misconception #2 Pilates is only for older ladies
Another common misconception about Pilates is that it is only suitable for older women. This myth encompasses two misconceptions; one that Pilates is only for women and two, that it is not for the younger generation.
Debunking: Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates, a man, in the early 20th century as a system of exercises to improve strength initially for males. Joseph worked as a gymnast, boxer and military trainer, using his technique to help develop the male physic to be able to withstand the pressures that come with each of those disciplines. Later, he used his method to rehabilitate wounded soldiers (also men). The system has evolved over the years, and today it is practised by people of all ages and genders, from teenagers to older adults, and everyone in between. Luckily professional male athletes such as LeBron James and David Beckham are signing up in full force for the benefits of Pilates and debunking this myth for us.
Misconception #3 Pilates is too easy or ‘just stretching’
Some people may believe that Pilates is too easy or just a series of stretches and won't challenge the body.
Debunking: This one is easy, all you have to do is take a class to know how wrong this myth is. While Pilates may look effortless when performed by experienced practitioners, it is a challenging workout that requires a lot of concentration and effort. Pilates exercises are designed to target the body's deeper muscles, including the core muscles, which can be difficult to activate with other forms of exercise. Additionally, Pilates can be adapted to meet the needs of any individual, from beginners to advanced practitioners, and can be made more challenging by introducing props to the workout or increasing the resistance or complexity of the exercises. #ifitsnotharditsprobablynotpilates
Misconception #4: Pilates is only for people with back pain
Some may have heard that Pilates is a form of rehabilitation and not designed to develop or progress uninjured individuals.
Debunking: While Pilates is often recommended as a form of physical therapy for people with back pain and other conditions, it is not just for people with injuries or chronic pain. Pilates is an excellent form of exercise for anyone who wants to improve their core strength, balance, and flexibility. Pilates exercises can help prevent injuries by strengthening the muscles that support the spine and improving posture.
Misconception #5: Pilates is only for young hyper-flexible dancers
Many of us may have heard that Joesph trained dancers in New York and there is a strong dance culture within the Pilates community. You only have to look to social media to see beautiful, long, lean and flexible dancers effortlessly performing Pilates movements to feel that this myth may be real.
Debunked: While it's true there is a strong dancer-Pilates relationship, Pilates is a unique form of exercise that is used by people for rehabilitation, athletic conditioning and just as an enjoyable way to keep fit, strong and improve posture. Pilates movements can be perfectly tailored to suit each individual's movement goals and fitness levels.
Pilates is a dynamic and challenging form of exercise that offers many benefits for people of all ages and fitness levels. It is not just for older women or people with back pain, and it is not just a series of stretches or a rehabilitation tool. Pilates can help improve strength, balance, flexibility, posture, and overall well-being, and can be tailored to meet each practitioner's individual needs and goals. With the right guidance and instruction, Pilates can be a fun and engaging workout that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. So, if you haven't tried Pilates yet, don't believe the myths – give it a go and see for yourself the wonderful benefits it can bring to your body and mind!